Curated AI Research
for Real-World Impact

Curated AI Research
for Real-World Impact

Curated AI Research
for Real-World Impact

Research and Case Studies

The Theory of Artificial Immutability: Protecting algorithmic groups under anti-discrimination law

The “theory of artificial immutability” aims to bring AI groups within the scope of the law, based on the five sources of artificial immutability: opacity, vagueness, instability, involuntariness, and invisibility.

The Theory of Artificial Immutability: Protecting algorithmic groups under anti-discrimination law

The “theory of artificial immutability” aims to bring AI groups within the scope of the law, based on the five sources of artificial immutability: opacity, vagueness, instability, involuntariness, and invisibility.

Research and Case Studies

The Theory of Artificial Immutability: Protecting algorithmic groups under anti-discrimination law

The “theory of artificial immutability” aims to bring AI groups within the scope of the law, based on the five sources of artificial immutability: opacity, vagueness, instability, involuntariness, and invisibility.

Research and Case Studies

An image where a woman is carrying a baby on her back

Securing AI. How Traditional Vulnerability Disclosure Must Adapt

While there are relevant analogues to cyber vulnerability discovery and disclosure, ML vulnerabilities are often fundamentally different from their cyber counterparts.

An image where a woman is carrying a baby on her back

Securing AI. How Traditional Vulnerability Disclosure Must Adapt

While there are relevant analogues to cyber vulnerability discovery and disclosure, ML vulnerabilities are often fundamentally different from their cyber counterparts.

An image where a woman is carrying a baby on her back

Securing AI. How Traditional Vulnerability Disclosure Must Adapt

While there are relevant analogues to cyber vulnerability discovery and disclosure, ML vulnerabilities are often fundamentally different from their cyber counterparts.

Image (c) Google DeepMind.

AI and the Future of Disinformation Campaigns

Disinformation has emerged as an insidious instrument of geopolitical power competition and domestic political warfare.

Image (c) Google DeepMind.

AI and the Future of Disinformation Campaigns

Disinformation has emerged as an insidious instrument of geopolitical power competition and domestic political warfare.

Image (c) Google DeepMind.

AI and the Future of Disinformation Campaigns

Disinformation has emerged as an insidious instrument of geopolitical power competition and domestic political warfare.

Image (c) Google DeepMind

Key Concepts in AI Safety: An Overview

The past decade has seen the emergence of modern artificial intelligence and a variety of AI-powered technological innovations.

Image (c) Google DeepMind

Key Concepts in AI Safety: An Overview

The past decade has seen the emergence of modern artificial intelligence and a variety of AI-powered technological innovations.

Image (c) Google DeepMind

Key Concepts in AI Safety: An Overview

The past decade has seen the emergence of modern artificial intelligence and a variety of AI-powered technological innovations.