The AI Safety Platform
for Research and Amplification

The AI Safety Platform for Research and Amplification

The AI Safety Platform
for Research and Amplification

An image of a small tree growing out of a mossy area representing environment and nature
An image of a small tree growing out of a mossy area representing environment and nature
An image of a small tree growing out of a mossy area representing environment and nature

Research and Case Studies

The Theory of Artificial Immutability: Protecting algorithmic groups under anti-discrimination law

The “theory of artificial immutability” aims to bring AI groups within the scope of the law, based on the five sources of artificial immutability: opacity, vagueness, instability, involuntariness, and invisibility.

The Theory of Artificial Immutability: Protecting algorithmic groups under anti-discrimination law

The “theory of artificial immutability” aims to bring AI groups within the scope of the law, based on the five sources of artificial immutability: opacity, vagueness, instability, involuntariness, and invisibility.

Research and Case Studies

The Theory of Artificial Immutability: Protecting algorithmic groups under anti-discrimination law

The “theory of artificial immutability” aims to bring AI groups within the scope of the law, based on the five sources of artificial immutability: opacity, vagueness, instability, involuntariness, and invisibility.

Research and Case Studies